Monday, March 25, 2019


 More photos and cost breakdown after the Jump!

Here is my cost breakdown for this project:

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (14.125” x 16” – 8 Qty.)
$4.94 x 8 = $39.52 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (14.125” x 16.375” – 8 Qty.)
$5.05 x 8 = $40.40 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (16.375” x 20” – 4 Qty.)
$7.05 x 4 = $28.20 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (16” x 20” – 4 Qty.)
$6.89 x 4 = $27.56 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (16.375” x 39.375” – 2 Qty.)
$13.64 x 2 = $27.28 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.080” thick clear extruded acrylic sheets (16” x 39.375” – 2 Qty.)
$13.33 x 2 = $26.66 total from Professional Plastics

- 0.060” thick magnetic strip with adhesive back (0.75” x 100’ – 1 Qty.)
$35.74 x 1 = $35.74 total from Amazon

- 0.060” thick magnetic strip with adhesive back (0.375” x 100’ – 1 Qty.1)
$34.72 x 1 = $34.72 total from Amazon

- Black Foam Core 3 pack (16” x 20”)
$5.00 x 5 = $25.00 total from Michaels

- Ikea Dioder LED 4-piece strip set (4 Qty.)
$19.99 x 4 = $79.96 total from Ikea

- Ikea Vittsjo shelving (2 double units and 2 single units)
$80.00 total from Criagslist

- Cable Ties 20 pack (8”)
$2.18 total from Home Depot

- Double Stick Foam Tape (1 Qty.)
$1.00 total form Dollar Tree

- Black Electrical Tape (1 Qty)
$1.50 total form Home Depot

39.52 + 40.40 + 28.20 + 27.56 + 27.28 + 26.66 + 35.74 + 34.72 + 25.00 + 79.96 + 80.00 + 2.18 + 1.00 + 1.50 = $449.72 Grand Total (not including the Lego sets)

Therefore, this entire project cost me about $450 US Dollars. Price will vary depending on how patient you are using Craigslist and if you catch some of these items on sale. Moreover, lights are optional … so price without lights would be around $370 (if you want to further reduce the cost). If you think about it, that's not too bad for a large fully enclosed display cabinet. Custom displays like this can run into the thousand, so this DIY is a good option and all the money saved = more Lego sets ... BAM!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I've got something you might be interested in. Hit me up
