Saturday, December 10, 2016


More photos and DIY details after the Jump!

GEEK this look with the following materials:
- Gingerbread house kit
- Kit Kat candy bar
- Pocky chocolate sticks
- X-acto knife and ruler
- Accent items (Superman, Batman, Wonder Wonder mini figs / Aquaman  Batman, and Martian Manhunter keychains / letter stickers)

DIY (Do It Yourself) by following these steps:
- For both the front and back pieces of the house, cut off a small portion of the tops using x-acto knife and ruler
- For the back piece of the house, cut off the whole top triangle portion
- Take the back piece triangle portion and glue to the front piece using frosting (to give the front dome extra thickness)
- Assemble the front, back and side pieces
- Use one roof piece for the top of the house
- Use the other roof piece as a cityscape background
- Use two Kit Kat pieces as the front columns (then eat the remaining two Kit Kat pieces)
- Use the Pocky sticks as accent pieces
- Now decorate the gingerbread house with all items in the kit

BAM!  Hall of Justice gingerbread house!

Tip: Don't do this project in one day ... spread it out over a few days because the frosting should have time to dry. Take time with the details, but keep in mind that things do not have to be perfect (as this is not a permanent structure)! Just make it a fun holiday activity that the entire family can participate in. 

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