More photos and DIY details after the Jump!

GEEK this looks with the following items:
- Gentle Giant Animated Iron Man Statue (Based on Skottie Young's artwork)
- Animated Iron Man canvas painting (Based on Skottie Young's artwork)
- Accent items (console table from Kohls, clock from Target, Iron Man helmet from Roan Toys)
DIY (Do It Yourself) by following these steps:
- See previous blog entry for Iron Man canvas painting DIY
- See previous blog entry for Iron Man helmet details
- Arrange Iron Man statue, canvas art, and helmet on console table
BAM! Animated Iron Man display!
It's always great to see statues being made from comic artwork (especially from one of my favorite artist). I've always enjoyed Skottie Young's style and it's neat to see a 3D representation of his work. As you can see, the statue is really tiny (compared to the humongous statues that are out in the market today) ... but the size somehow fits the artwork's "cute" animated style. Seeing a giant version of this statue would seem odd (it's ironic that Gentle Giant produced this ... haha).
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